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Governance at the Federation

The Trumpington Federation Governing Body covers Fawcett Primary School and Trumpington Meadows Primary School.

Governors monitor the performance of the schools in our Federation. They protect the interests of the schools and the children, offer guidance and support and promote good communication with parents.  They work with school staff to oversee the curriculum, manage the finances and ensure that all aspects of the Federation's provision are of a consistently  high standard.

The Governing Body acts as a critical friend to the schools.  They work closely with the Executive Headteacher and School Leadership Teams and make decisions collectively. 

They conduct their business through meetings, using relevant documents and advice from the Headteachers for guidance.  We are fortunate to have an extremely committed and skilled Governing Body who take a keen interest in the Federation and its continued development and success

The Full Governing Body meets twice a term and the two sub-committees, Teaching & Learning and Resources meet a minimum of once a term.

The legal responsibilities of the Governing Body are to:

  • Help raise standards of education and achievement
  • Plan the schools’ future direction
  • Take general responsibility for the conduct of the school
  • Manage the school budget, including staff numbers and pay
  • Make sure the curriculum is balanced and broad and that the school meets the requirements of the national curriculum.
  • Set targets for achievement
  • Report National Curriculum and assessment results
  • Decide how the school encourages pupils’ spiritual, moral, and cultural development

The Governing Body Co-Chairs are Liz Woodham and Gavin Davies who can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors (see below) or via

Governors can be contacted via either school or via the Clerk to Governors, at

Copies of meeting minutes are available on request.


Meet the Governors

Liz Woodham - Co-opted Governor - Co-Chair of Governing Body
I joined Fawcett’s governing body in early 2011 as a ‘community governor’ and then became a member of the Trumpington Federation governing body when it was established.  I used to be a primary teacher in north London and now work for NRICH, a mathematics education project based here in the university, so one of the reasons for wanting to be a governor is my desire to see fantastic teaching and learning of maths.  However, I am also passionate about primary education being a broad and rich experience for young children.  I loved school as a child, and in a very small way, would like to help children in Trumpington enjoy their primary school years too.
Gavin Davies - Co-opted Governor - Co-chair of Governing Body

Gavin Davies joined the governing body of the Trumpington Federation as a co-opted governor in April 2021 and became co-chair in September 2021.  Previously, Gavin was chair of governors at a primary school in Camden, London.

Gavin is an engineer and mathematician who worked in the construction industry for over 25 years.  In 2022, Gavin took the role as Course Director for a part time Masters programme in the Department of Engineering at the University of Cambridge.  Gavin passionately believes in the important of education in creating opportunities and choice for young people, whatever their background.

Emily Black - Co-opted Governor - Chair of Resources Committee

I became a governor in March 2017, shortly after moving to the Trumpington area. As a mother of two young children, I found the importance of high quality early years and primary education to be top of mind, and wanted to contribute. After over a decade in strategy consulting, I'm keen to use my analytical, business skill set to support the Trumpington Federation. 
Sara Garnham - Chair of Teaching & Learning committee

Sara has lived in Cambridge for over 30 years.  She worked locally, nationally and internationally; most recently as general manager for an exciting ed-tech start up.  

Sara has recently stepped down as MAT board director of CAP in Cambridge, and currently holds board position for Catalyst Housing and New International Encounter who are based at Cambridge Junction.

Laura Robitaille- Staff Governor
Jessica Kenny - Partnership Governor

I am a local homeowner and have experience in various community groups. Additionally, my professional background is as an accountant in NHS regulation, so I am very familiar with the role of a governor and how we can help the schools to provide the best possible education and experience for families.


Gita Aminpour - Co-opted Governor

I have been a Governor at the Trumpington Community College since November 2021, most of that time serving as the Safeguarding Governor.   Since 2019, I have worked on a part-time, assignment basis for the University of Cambridge in various departments and offices. I presently work as Operations Coordinator in the Department of Politics and International Studies dealing with HR, events and other things.

In the wider community, I have served on the Trumpington Residents’ Association since 2019, and as its Company Secretary since 2020.  I serve on the Patient Participation Group Committee for the Trumpington Street Medical Practice. I was appointed Secretary recently.  In addition, I was recently appointed to serve on the Patient Advisory Group for the new Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital.

My family and I live in Trumpington, Cambridge.

Elenor Ling - Parent Governor

I have worked as a curator at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge since 2015.  It’s a job that requires a constant degree of curiosity to prompt visitors to learn and to question preconceptions.  It also requires good interpersonal skills: I need to be able to communicate ideas succinctly to a broad spectrum of people with different needs and from different backgrounds. I'm open and collaborative and a perceptive listener.

One of my children joined Fawcett in 2021, and my other child will start soon; I would like to contribute to the school’s direction during this time.


Naomi Walker-Pearl - Parent Governor
I moved to Trumpington in August 2020 and now have a son at Trumpington Meadows and a daughter at nursery in Trumpington. Prior to moving to Trumpington, I was a secondary school English teacher in London, and I am now the Undergraduate Admissions Manager at Corpus Christi College, where I oversee the College’s admissions process and outreach projects. Both roles have shown me the importance of excellent state education being available for all children. I am pleased to be working with the team of governors to support our schools in providing the best start possible to the educational journey of our local children.
Ollie Monro/Jemma Calverley - Ex officio - Executive Headteacher
Please see our staff pages for more information
Governors stepped down in the last 12 months
Name Date of appointment Date stepped down
Neal Carter 12.07.2022 13.02.2024
Oriana Dalton 18.04.2017 31.08.2024
Sara Day 03.02.2021 02.02.2025


Register of Interests


Governing Body Committee Membership and Terms of Reference

The Governing Body has delegated certain responsibilities to two committees - the Resources Committee and the Teaching & Learning Committee.  All committee members have full voting rights. 

Resources Committee Teaching & Learning Committee
Emily Black (Chair) Naomi Walker-Pearl
Jessica Kenny Sara Garnham (Chair)
Ollie Monro Liz Woodham
Gavin Davies Ollie Monro/Jemma Calverley
Jemma Calverley Laura Robitaille
Elenor Ling Gavin Davies
Gita Aminpour  





Governance Documents 


Meeting Attendance 2023 - 2024

P - present

A - absent with apologies

F - absent but failed to give apologies

n/a - not a member of the Governing Body at that time

Full Governing Body

  19.9 5.12 13.2 26.3 30.4 9.7

Liz Woodham

P P P      
Gavin Davies P P P      
Ori Dalton A P P      
Emily Black P P P      
Sara Garnham P P P      
Saussan Khalil P P A      
Neal Carter P P P      
Sara Day P P P      
Jessica Kenny A P P      
Elenor Ling P P P      
Naomi Walker-Pearl N/A N/A P      


Resources Committee

  18.10 22.11 31.1 13.3 24.4 12.6
Emily Black P P P      
Ori Dalton P P P      
Gavin Davies P P P      
Neal Carter A A A      
Jessica Kenny P P A      
Elenor Ling P P P      

Teaching & Learning Committee

  4.10 8.11 17.1 7.3 15.5 26.6
Sara Garnham P P P P    
Saussan Khalil A P P N/A    
Ori Dalton P P A P    
Liz Woodham P P P P    
Gavin Davies P P P P    
Sara Day P A P P    
Naomi Walker-Pearl N/A N/A P P