Please find information regarding admission to our nurseries, Reception classes and also in-year entry below
Nursery Admissions
If you like your child to be considered for a place at one of our nurseries, please apply directly to the Federation.
If you would like to find out more about our nursery offer please look at the attachments below.
Please note, a place at one of our nurseries does not immediately result in a place in one of our Reception classes. If you wish your child to continue their education at the Federation after nursery, parents/carers need to apply through the county council admissions process.
Read more about the Cambridge county council’s admission process for Reception.
Reception Admissions
Admission for Reception 2024
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020, and you live in Cambridgeshire you need to apply for a Reception place for September 2024.
You need to apply for a place at a primary school before 15th January 2024.
Please see below for the Local Authority guide to starting school.
For more detailed information and guidance, read Cambridgeshire County Council's school admissions page.
If your child has an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), you have additional rights and responsibilities when it comes to choosing a school for your child. The START team at the County Council will support you in making this decision, however it is important that you visit schools you may be considering for your child. If you have a child with an Educational Health Care Plan, and are considering one of our schools for example as a move from Nursery to Key Stage 1, please call the office and ask to speak to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who will be happy to arrange to meet with you and discuss how we can ensure we have the appropriate provision in place to ensure your child has the appropriate induction and support.
In Year Admissions
Moving school during the school year
If you are moving to this area or would like to change your child’s school, this is called an ‘In Year Admission’. For advice on the 'In Year Admission' process, you should contact the County Council's admissions department.
School Tours
You are very welcome to visit our schools for a tour with one of our Assistant Headteachers. Please see below for the scheduled tour dates. To book onto a tour, please contact the school office on 01223 840299.
Tours of Fawcett start at 10am and tours of Trumpington Meadows start at 11am to allow you to visit both schools if you wish.
The Trumpington Federation Admissions Policy and Form
How to appeal against an admission decision
You should make your appeal directly to the Local Authority. Please read the county council website for information regarding the admission appeals process.