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week commencing 23/03/2020

Week beginning 23/3/2020

Home Learning – week 1 (beginning 23/3/2020)

Although the school will close on Friday 20th March, we do have lots of ideas to help the children reinforce some of the things we have studied so far this year – hopefully they will enjoy the activities and the work will keep them busy. We understand that this may be a stressful time for both the children and you as parents and although we do stress that it is essential that the children do educational activities, it is also important for them (and you!)  to have down time where they can relax.

We will update the home learning section of our website on a weekly basis until school reopens, during term time.

Where possible, we would like the children to spend some time each day, practising skills in reading, writing and maths.

Here are some ideas for week 1:

PE- The body coach will be delivering live youtube PE lessons at 9am every morning.  This would be an excellent and energetic way to start the day!

The children have enjoyed keeping up to date with current affairs by watching newsround. They usually post a video in the morning and one at 4pm on CBBC.

Reading – we would like the children to continue to read and complete their reading records five times a week. Please ensure that your child writes a detailed comment for each day and signs their reading record.

Additionally, David Walliams is now releasing free audio books on his website, with a new story released at 11am daily! There are also a lot of resource activities available to download for any of his books you have read!

Grubby Gertrude:

Spelling- In class, we have enjoyed using spelling frame to practice the different spelling rules. All children have had a log in and can access this at home. Over the period we are off, I would recommend that every child starts off with the Year 1 words and completes 3-5 spelling rules a day using the games, and only redoing if they get less than 100%. This is an excellent opportunity for the children to improve their spellings while they are off! The homework spelling rules that are set as tests each week will continue in the weeks scheduled in the letter that was previously sent home.

Writing – we have recently completed our unit on information texts. In order to consolidate their learning, we would like pupils to plan and write a detailed information text on a magical plant or flower. Spend the equivalent of one English lesson on imagining your plant and drawing and labelling a detailed illustration, an hour planning your text, followed by two hours to write the text later in the week. We would like them to spend some time producing a presentation copy. If the children are not engaged with this idea, then it is ok to change the topic to something that they would be more excited to write about!

Maths – it would be great if you could spend a few minutes each day practising times tables,  multiplication facts and addition/subtraction facts with your child – it will help to maintain their recall. We have worked really hard to improve our understanding of fractions so it would be useful if our pupils could spend an hour producing a poster to show everything they have learned about fractions, such as what the different parts of a fraction are called, what an equivalent fraction is, what a mixed number is, how we find equivalent fractions, and how we add and subtract fractions. Ideally they should spend an hour on this task. Another useful activity is to think of some word problems involving fractions for another member of the family to solve. 

The White Rose Hub are releasing free resources daily- these would be following on in the sequence we would be learning in class, currently decimals:

Where possible, Mr Bailey will be making videos on subject we have previously covered, talking about the links between areas and misconceptions. Links to any videos will be posted below here! 

Lesson 1-

Lesson 2-

Lesson 3- Rounding-

In addition, your child has been given a copy of their username and password for the ‘education city’ website. There are a number of grammar, reading and maths activities for your child to complete. Most of the activities can be completed on a tablet or smartphone.

Please visit to complete these further activities.

Topic related activities:

There are a number of STEM activities available online for our current topic, space, that would be accessible for home learning. These vary from science investigations, history, geography, art and DT areas:

WWF Educational activities-