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Week commencing 30th Sept 2019

English- These are the targets for our new unit. Children from Trinity class will be looking at all the features of Information texts and will be researching information in order to create and write their own in a few weeks time.

Can you find an information text at home, library or classroom and spot all the features of Information Texts?

Puppet Show

Puppets are ready for our upcoming show. Do you have your tickets yet? Make sure that you don't miss the performance!


There's a new Times Tables Rockstars display up in the Year 4 corridor.... What level of "rockstar status" can you achieve? Who will become a Rock Hero?! As you move up the different levels, we'll add your photo to the display so you can show off your rockstar status!  So.... what are you waiting for?! Log on to TT Rockstars and start earning some points today! πŸŽΈπŸŒŸ