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Week commencing 30th Sept 2019


This week we were the KS1 class with the best attendance! This meant we were awarded a certificate in assembly and now have £2 on the economy board. Well done Selwyn Class!



This week we have started looking at the story 'A Place to Call Home' by Alexis Deacon. As a class we have began learning the story using actions and creating our own story maps. We have also explored the settings in the book through Drama and began looking at adjectives to describe the places we explored. 


We have been continuing our unit on Place Value this week and have been learning about Greater than, Less than and Equal to. We have had so much fun being the hungry crocodile eating up the bigger number! 







Our explorer this week was Amelia Earhart and what an inspirational woman she was! We had so much fun making our own aeroplanes that are now flying high in our classroom.