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Week commencing 2nd Dec 2019

This week, we began with a visit from Ruth Barnett from the Holocaust Education Trust. She shared her experiences during World War II (she was a child during the war and both her and her brother were brought to the UK on the Kindertransport Scheme). Ruth also shared many important messages, including the importance for standing up for others when we see that they are being treated unfairly. 

In History this week, we put together the research we had been doing on Winston Churchill and wrote a biography about him, with a partner. Here are some of our biographies:

In Maths, we have having been learning about round decimal numbers and contexts where being able to round numbers is important. We have also looked at fraction and decimal equivalents to be able to compare word problems. 

In English, we have finished writing our portal stories. They are truly amazing and we have made so much progress with our writing throughout the unit. 

In Science, we have set up our bread experiment to see which packaging will preserve bread the best - now we have to wait!