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Week commencing 24th Feb 2020

This week we have begun looking at the Mayan civilisation. In Guided Reading, we read a text about a ball game that people believed the Mayan's played. We we shocked by some of the differences between their ball game and how football is played today! During our history lesson, we looked at photos of Mayan architecture and artefacts. From these, we brainstormed ideas about what they tell us about the Mayans. Here are some photos of us brainstorming ideas: 

In English, we are writing biased arguments. We wrote biased arguments about topics related to school. For example: Should children wear school uniform? Should phones be allowed in school? Our model text is about children using social media under the age of 13. 

In Maths, we were focusing on time - how to tell 12 and 24 time and calculate time intervals. We also went over all the things we have learnt throughout our measurement unit - converting between different units of time, calculating perimeter and area of shapes (including triangles and parallelograms, converting between miles and kilometres (5:8) and calculating volume. Here are some photos of use going over the different measurement areas in groups:

Finally, in R.E., over the last half-term we have been looking at core themes across major religions and beliefs. These are some of the posters that we have made to show what we have learnt: