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Week commencing 20th Jan 2020

This week, we have been looking at calculating angles in Maths. We calculated the interior angles of triangles and quadrilaterals. We found that if we take all the angles of a triangle and put them together, it always makes 180 degrees. 

We also calculated missing angles:

In English, we have finished writing our dramatic events. Here is an example of an introduction:

In Science, we looked at how animals have adapted over time to survive in their environment. We designed our own animals and labelled their features to show how they had adapted to the jungle, ocean, arctic or desert. 

As part of our topic, we looked at the Amazon Rainforest. We took notes on the different animals and plants that are found in each layer of the rainforest. Here is some of the information we found out:

We have had some wonderful homework in so far this term. Here is Eva's brilliant example of what you can make out of chocolate!