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Week commencing 10th Feb 2020

Wow! Another busy week in Pembroke Class and it was lovely to be able to celebrate our 100th day at school on Thursday!

This week, we have finished writing our information texts about the Amazon Rainforest. We have learnt a lot about the animals in the rainforest through our writing!

In Maths, we have been learning how to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes. We even learnt how to calculate the area of parallelograms (it is the same as rectangles - length x width) and the area of triangles (find the length x width and then divide it by 2)! Finally, we learnt how to calculate the volume of shapes. 

In Art, we made some beautiful Blue Morpho Butterflies using coffee filters and water colour paints. Hopefully, these will be flying around the classroom soon!

100 DAYS OF SCHOOL! Here are some photos from the day. We wrote 100 word stories and made bead strings!

Here are some more examples of wonderful homework! There are lots more in the classroom!

Finally, our school councillors asked the class what they thought our school values were and each table wrote a vision statement for the school. Here is what each group wrote: