WB 7.9.2020
Welcome back! What an amazing first week of school we have had in King's Class. The children have settled in and been so excited about their learning.
This weeks celebration assembly:
Louie for his achievement in being kind and helpful to new friends in year 2.
for her progress in partitioning numbers to 30.
This week in English we have begun to learn our story map for The Snail and the Whale. The children came up with actions to retell the story. We have also written some lovely snail alliteration.
In maths, the children have been practising their place value skills. We took out math outside to partition 2-digit numbers in a part whole model using sticks and rocks.
This week we began our snail topic creating a snail habitat, going on a snail hunt and creating some clay snails. We also explored the artwork of Henri Matisse and Dawn Crothers. We had a go at creating our own snail artwork using theirs as inspiration.