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The School Day, Attendance and Illness

The School Day

The school day is as follows:

Fawcett Nursery starts at 9:00am and closes at 3:00pm

Trumpington Meadows Nursery starts at 8:45am and closes at 11:45am

For both schools:

Reception hours are 8:45am to 3:15pm

Years 1 - 6 hours are 8:40am - 3:10pm

Total weekly school hours are 32.5



If your child is ill and cannot attend school, please contact the school before 9am, preferably by phone (01223 840299) and state the child’s name and class and reason for absence.  You should contact the school each day your child is ill.

Children suffering from stomach bugs or similar illnesses should not return to school until 48 hours after the last instance of vomiting or diarrhoea.



The Trumpington Federation sees 95% attendance as the minimum expectation for all students and strives for all students to attend more than 97%.




Registration takes place twice a day: at 8:45am and 1:00pm.

Any student arriving in school after registration has been taken will be recorded as late. If they arrive after registration period has finished they will be recorded as ‘U’ (unauthorised absence). At The Trumpington Federation, registration period is 30 minutes long and ends at 9:15am.


Late collection

We understand that there might be an occasional reason due to unforeseen circumstances why a child might be collected late from school. However, if children are not collected by 3:10pm we will then take them to After School Club and you will be charged for the full rate of After School Provision at a cost of £16.


Term time holidays

The Trumpington Federation will not authorise holiday during term time.

Unauthorised term time leave and penalty notices

Any parent who takes a child out of school for term time leave of six or more consecutive sessions (a session is a morning or afternoon) over a four week period, not authorised by the Federation (under the exceptional circumstances rule), may receive a Penalty Notice.  

Please click to see our attendance policy for further detail or see the letter below from the County Council.


Medical / dentists appointments

Please bring a copy of the appointment letter to the office if you have one.  You will be asked to complete a form to request the time away from school.