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Mon 18th - Fri 22nd May

Monday 18th to Friday 22nd May

Dear Year One,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Thank you to all families who have been able to update us with the fantastic work you are completing at home. We all really enjoyed reading your lovely news, seeing your photos and videos which brightened up our day! 

As we have now moved our learning to Google Classrooms, we hope you have all received your email logins. We have been working hard, at home, learning how to use Google Classrooms and talking together as a Team to plan your lessons. Last week we were very excited to see your work appearing in Google classroom and that we as teachers can directly comment on your work and mark it. We hope you enjoyed the feedback. If you haven’t submitted any work yet or are unsure where to post it please don't worry. Remember we are all learning together. We would prefer your child to complete written work on paper (rather than type it in) so they continue to practise their handwriting skills. To submit your work, please take a photo of your child’s work and upload it to Google Classroom. Please post your child's completed work through the handed in section and not on the stream. If you hand it in, it automatically goes into your child’s online folder. Thank you.

Where to find school work this week

  1. Google Classroom: If you are now able to access Google Classroom please use this route.

  1. Trumpington Federation website: This week will be the last week we put tasks on our Year 1 webpage. Please make sure you have an email about your Google Classroom login and are up and running by the end of the week. Please contact us if you are having any problems.

  1. Education City: Please continue to look for the new tasks uploaded each week.

Learning this week

We hope you enjoy your learning this week. Choose tasks that interest you, complete what you can and remember to always try your best. We are really pleased that from this week the Federation asked Sistema to come and teach our music curriculum. Each lesson is on Google Slides, the information is read aloud, use the audio symbol and the play symbol. Enjoy making high and low pitched sounds, it's great fun!


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Education City

Please go to the website for this week's tasks.


Please keep reading regularly, it does not matter that it isn't a school book, anything of interest. 

Please use the resources from Oxford Owl:  

Cambridgeshire Library Service, another source of ebooks from the Cambridgeshire library, books and magazines. Take time to have a look at:


Stay healthy 

We have enjoyed hearing about your walks and bike rides. Keep enjoying the outdoors as it keeps us healthy and happy. Look out for the abundance of wildlife this summer (insects, birds, mammals etc.). 

There are also other ways to exercise at home with Joe Wicks (You Tube) or look for other presenters on CBeebies that are helping us stay healthy.

Have a good week

Best wishes


Year 1 Team

Mrs Gordon, Mrs Godfrey, Mrs Williams and Mrs Begum