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History at the Federation


At the Trumpington Federation, we aim to make the history topics interesting and engaging for our children. Each half-term or term, the year groups have a topic with a history focus. These topics should stay the same for each year group as they are taken from the National Curriculum objectives.

Each year group in Key Stage 2 is given two history topics that are divided into British history and an ancient civilization unit. Wherever possible, the history topics are in chronological order. It is important that children have a love for learning and often there is a ‘hook day’ which is designed to get the children excited about the history topic. Then, the first lesson of a topic, may be to write down what the children already know and what they want to find out. This way, teachers can ensure that the lessons are tailored to what the children are interested in and can follow that line of inquiry.

At the end of a history topic, the class can refer back to the questions they posed at the beginning, and see how much learning has taken place.

As the units are in chronological order, connections are made between the previous history topics that have been taught and other events that were happening in the world at the time. Throughout each history unit, the children are encouraged to think critically and use inquiry skills. Alongside all other subjects, the history topic is often integrated so that children have the opportunity to apply their learning in other contexts.