Autumn Term 2020 - 2021
The Stories People Tell
This term our Topic is 'The Stories People Tell'. We will be focusing on the authors Roald Dahl, Oliver Jeffers, Anthony Browne and Julia Donaldson. We will explore their different texts, using the themes and characters to compare similarities and differences. Please see our newsletter below for more information.
Important information:
-PE days: Wednesday and Thursday. Children should come dressed in their PE kits on these days.
-Book change day: Friday- children should aim to read at least 5 times a week. Please indicate each time a child has read in their reading records. They will receive a new reading book every week.
-Spellings: New spellings will be given on Fridays. Children will receive a paper copy and spellings will also go up onto Google Classroom. There will be one or two spelling games linked to the spellings for children to use to help them practise the spelling rule that week. Children will have a spelling test every Friday.