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Activity Ideas

18th May 2020

In the garden- plant a seed (or lots!) and write down simple instructions.  For example: 

1. Get a pot. 2. Fill it with soil. 3. Put the seed in. 4. Cover it. 5. Water it.

You could draw pictures to go with each instruction, if you would like to.

  • During daily walks, play ‘I spy’ with initial sounds. Or you could write a list before you go for your walk of things you think you might spot and decide how many points you will get for each. For example:  bird 1 point, dandelion 1 point, butterfly 3 points. They then add up their points when you return home and compare to the scores of the other people who went on your walk with you.

  • Estimating/Maths: Make as many small balls as you can from your playdough and put them in a transparent tupperware tub. Ask everyone in your household (and other family members on Zoom) to guess how many there are. Keep a record of who guessed what. The count them all out and see who was the closest!

11th May 2020

Here is a fun game to play matching pairs with tricky words. Make sure that your child reads each word aloud as they choose their cards:

To celebrate and recognise our amazing NHS workers we thought it would be fun to do lots of  rainbow themed activities!


Make a Rainbow fruit salad! Can you arrange it in the colours of the rainbow?

Rainbow collage - use any coloured paper/magazines you can find to cut out little pieces of each colour of the rainbow and create a collage.

Paint a rainbow - can you mix all the colours of the rainbow using only red, yellow and blue? Can you remember which two colours you need to mix together to make green? Orange? And purple?

Rainbow transient art - find as many different small objects around your house as you can (lego/duplo bricks, building blocks, balls, buttons, soft toys…) and arrange them on the floor into a rainbow.

Maths - sharing. 

Don't forget to share all of your wonderful learning with us on Tapestry!

4th May 2020:

It is Ramadan at the moment. Look at this link for a video on Ramadan: and then have a go at making your own Ramadan lanterns.

Can you write a daily diary of your plants growing? - you can draw a picture, label it with simple words or even write a whole sentence.

Try writing a list of what you need to make your own garden. Think about how you set out writing a list: can you use numbers as you write down your ideas?

With a cardboard box, make your own garden: out of junk modelling materials or real objects.



  • Make up some price labels for things around your house. Write some money values on them: 2p, 5p, 10p and so on. Play shops with another person in your family or by yourself. Can you add 2 or 3 different prices together? How can you work out your adding? Use fingers? Write a number sentence? Use real coins?
  • Play hopscotch outside using teen numbers or make it more challenging​ by using multiples of 2, 5 and 10​​​​​​!

  • hopscotch for learning numbers. Mine looks different in my class. For math stations I give them two dice to do some adding. They have a lot of fun learning! Preschool Math, Math Classroom, Kindergarten Activities, Fun Math, Math Games, Teaching Math, Classroom Ideas, Toddler Activities, Teaching IdeasSkip Counting Hopscotch By 10, 5 and 2

  • Start to think about halving: cut up pieces of fruit into halves and quarters. Use the vocabulary / stem sentences “This is half an apple, this is a quarter of a pear”

  • Ask people in your family / friends on Zoom app: “What is your favourite fruit?”. Make a tally chart e.g.

  • What is your favourite fruit? Tally charts. | Teaching Resources

  • Create a estimating jar- children and adults can have fun estimating the quantity of different objects, recording their guesses and then checking the actual amount.


  • Books with growing theme: Eddie’s Garden, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper’s Beanstalk, Oliver’s Vegetables, The Tiny Seed.

  • Youtube link for Jack & Beanstalk:  or song version: 

  • Make a colourful poster to show your family and friends how to look after your garden, allotment, seeds and flowers for example:  ‘Keep off the grass’ ‘Don’t pick the flowers’ ‘Water the seeds’ 

  • Use a seed packet writing template to write instructions for how to plant and look after growing seeds.

  • Design your own, imaginary allotment. Decide what vegetables and fruits that you would like to grow and draw up a diagram of all the rows of different things that you are going to grow. Label each row clearly. Then, as a separate activity, write a sentence about each of the vegetables/fruits that you have pretended to grow and say what you will use them for. For example, “I will cook carrots for our supper.” “I like lettuce in my salad.” “Apples will make a pie.”

Phonics- Each week we will upload the new teaching material.

  • (week 1) ‘ch’ (chop, chip) ‘sh’ (shop, ship)                

  • (week 2)  Short ‘oo’ (look, book)  long ‘oo’ (moon, food)                                      

  • (week 3) Soft ‘th’ (then, there)  hard ‘th’ (this, that)                       

  • (week 4) ‘ng’ (king, ring) ‘qu’ (queen, quick)

  • (week 5) ‘ou’ (mouse) ‘ow’ (owl)

Understanding the World

  • Have a go at growing some seeds of your own. You should be able to get something easy to grow at many of the supermarkets in Cambridge. Something like cress seeds are good, because you don’t need soil or compost to grow these - you can use a piece of wet kitchen roll, toilet paper or cotton wool.

  • How about saving some apple seeds from your fruit snack and having a go at growing these?

  • Save a cut-off carrot top, put it in a shallow dish of water and watch it grow!

  • Use rinsed-out egg shells to sow some seeds in.

  • Pretend that you are a weather presenter. Make a poster or a chart with different days of the week on it to record (using words, pictures or both) to describe what the weather has been like. Use higher level vocabulary like ‘bright’ (instead of just ‘sunny’), ‘ soaking’ or ‘drenching’ instead of just ‘wet/rain’. You could make little picture cards to show all the different weathers that you see from your window and stick them on to your chart. 

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Make your own beanstalk out of screwed up newspaper, crepe paper, old wrapping paper. How long can you make it? Can you cut out and decorate some leaves and beans to stick to the beanstalk? Can you draw, cut out and stick a little Jack and a Giant to your beanstalk, to show the part when the Giant is chasing Jack?

  • Using some paint and things that you find in the garden or around the house, do some printing. If you don’t have any paint, you could make your own by mixing flour and water together to form a mixable paste, then add some food colouring. You could print with leaves, twigs, coins, your fingers. See if you can make a repeating pattern or a picture / scene from your own experience or from a favourite book.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Think about times - recently or any time - when you have needed help from someone else to solve a problem. What kind of help did that person give? How did it help you?

  • Think about some ideas about how you could help someone else. Have you been helping out at home during our Lockdown time? How have you been helping? 

  • What other things could you do to help someone in your family or out in our community? 

Communication & Language

  • Make a recording of yourself giving the weather report and post it on your Tapestry account.

  • Talk to your adults about the planting you have done. Can you retell the instructions? Discuss what you think is going to happen to the seed.

  • Re-tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to someone in your family. You could also record yourself doing this and post it on your Tapestry account.

Physical Development

  • Do 10 hops then change legs and do another 10 hops.

  • Do 10 star jumps.

  • Using clothes pegs pick up seeds/buttons/counters and place them in a pot.

  • Water the garden, seeds and flowers.

  • Sweep the path in the garden or the floor in the kitchen.

  • Practise throwing and catching a ball with someone in your family. Can you record how many you complete?

  • Shake Your Sillies Out is a fun video for the children to dance along to, it’s not half as intense as Joe Wicks!