10 Core Rhymes
“If children know 8 nursery rhymes by heart by the time they are 4 years old, they are usually among the best readers and spellers in their class by the time they are 8”.
(Megan Fox, Reading Magic)
We have chosen 10 core rhymes that we would like all children to know by the time they come to the end of their time in Nursery and move to Reception. These rhymes have a box of resources to bring the language and content of the rhyme to life.
Nursery rhymes and songs have a huge impact on children’s language and communication development. Children love listening to and joining in with songs full of rhyming, rhythm and repetition. By singing songs containing these core elements it is helping boost children’s language, communication and literacy development.
So why is singing nursery rhymes and songs important:
Children learn new words
Develop their non-verbal communications skills
Learn early maths skills
Children understand how words are formed
Enables children to copy actions
It boasts children language communication and literacy skills
Helps develop children’s social skills
Children learn about different beats and rhythms
Provides the opportunity for children to value language and become confident learners
Creates a close relationship between adult and child