Year 6 SATS Information

Message for parents/carers of Year 6 pupils
Dear Year 6 parents,
We hope you are keeping well during this difficult time. We wanted to write to thank you for all of your support for your children in year 6 this year. It has been super to see children logging in to Education City and Times Tables Rockstars to continue with their learning from home.
You will probably have heard that the KS2 SATs tests have been cancelled for this year. All of our pupils have been working hard this year and we want to reassure you that the SATs tests being cancelled does not mean that any of this hard work has been for nothing; the important thing is that the children have made progress in their learning and that learning is theirs to keep. The fact that the current year 6s will not sit the SATs exams will not have negative repercussions for their future education. The year 6 teachers will pass on their teacher assessments of the children as normal to their secondary schools for September so the secondary schools will have all of the information they need.
We are also aware that there is a lot of uncertainty about what will happen for the year 6 children and their special leavers’ events. We will monitor the situation and let you all know when we have further information. The PTA has said that, if they need to rearrange the date of the year 6 leavers’ event, they will do so. We can therefore be confident that the year 6 leavers' event will definitely happen at some point.
Many thanks,
The Year 6 Team