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Week commencing 14th Oct 2019

A note from Ms Stow:

I have truly enjoyed working with all of the students in Fitzwilliam class. I had a lot of fun in my last week with the students but it was also very very sad to say goodbye on Friday. I would love to say that there were no tears, but I was not able to get through the day without crying.  This is a wonderful group of students who are so enthusiastic to learn and who work so hard. Mrs Williams is very lucky to be their new teacher and I have no doubt that the class will do great things with her as their leader. I will definitely be coming in to visit as soon as possible. I hope that all of the students enjoyed their time with me as much as I loved my time with them. They are absolutely delightful! 

In maths, we practised using the expanded method to add two digit numbers. We showed our work by drawing on the tables and using blocks. This is an example of what a problem will look like later when we record in our books. 

Topic: Our lego reading challenge has been a great success this half term. We have read so much! Time to start fresh for a new half term.

In English, we have published letters which we will send to Julia Donaldson. Last year, she wrote back to the Year 2 students so we eagerly await a reply from this wonderful author.